September 9, 2024

Podcast: Neighbour and Boundary Disputes

Our Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution podcast series explains, in everyday language, how to go about planning for certain commercial scenarios as well as explaining, in more detail, common disputes that may need legal resolution.

In this episode, Partner & Head of Dispute Resolution, Darren Forrester, talks in detail about neighbour and boundary disputes and explains what types of neighbour and boundary disputes may require legal assistance. Darren also discusses boundary lines and features, the issue of overhanging trees, rights of access and the steps you can take if you have a dispute with your neighbour.

Please note that the information provided in this podcast does not constitute legal advice and serves as a general guide only. The law may have changed since this podcast was recorded. Listeners should seek tailored legal advice from a solicitor who will take your individual and personal circumstances in consideration.

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