About Us

Berry & Lamberts Solicitors Kent

Our History

Our 270+ year history enables our friendly and ‘human’ teams to draw on a wealth of experience to provide dependable advice in a relaxed, professional environment. We have offices in Tunbridge Wells, Sevenoaks and Paddock Wood in Kent. We serve individuals and businesses in the West Kent community, the South East and all over England and Wales.

Berry & Lamberts Solicitors is the amalgamation of two West Kent firms, Berry & Berry LLP Solicitors and Lamberts Solicitors. The two firms merged in 2012. The firm elected to trade under the unified brand of Berry & Lamberts Solicitors from September 2014.

Company Details

Berry & Lamberts Solicitors is a limited liability partnership (LLP), registered in England and Wales with registered number OC372351. Registered address is 11-13 Church Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1JA.

Our Regulator

Berry & Lamberts LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority – Tunbridge Wells (SRA No. 567287), Sevenoaks (SRA No. 573004) and Paddock Wood (SRA No. 573002). We comply with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Code of Conduct.

VAT Information

Our VAT registration number is 209 6047 68.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Our Professional Indemnity Insurance is provided under Policy Number FINPL1900237 with Marsh Insurance Limited whose registered address is The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch, London, EC3A 7AW.

Legal Aid

As a Legal Aid franchised firm, regulated by the Legal Aid Agency, for particular areas of work we are authorised to offer legal representation and assistance at public expense.


We are committed to providing a high-quality legal service and to dealing with all our clients fairly. We acknowledge that we may not always get it right so if something has gone wrong, including in relation to the bill, we need you to tell us. Please contact the person responsible for complaints in the department that your work was carried out. This will be set out in the client care letter that you received. If you are not able to find this information then please email our Complaints Member, whose details are included in our client's complaints procedure. Please click here for a copy of our client’s complaints procedure, which details all the information required. If you need a hard copy then please let us know.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint then you can have the complaint independently considered by the Legal Ombudsman. The Legal Ombudsman can investigate complaints up to one year from the date of the problem happening or within one year of when you should reasonably have known that there was cause for complaint. If you wish to refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman this must be done within six months of our final response to your complaint. Contact details for the Legal Ombudsman can be found in the link above or in our client's complaints procedure.


Partners: Paul Reader (Managing Partner), Amanda Wilson, Anthony Herman, Darren Forrester, David Lea, Eleanor Lister, Emma Houghton, Juan Ramon Masoliver Noble ("Yashin"), Kizzy Packer, Robert Moseley and William Moore.

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"We will certainly be using you again, and recommending you!"
"We have always been cared for very well in the numerous dealings with Berry and Lamberts."
"Excellent service by all concerned. Prompt replies and easy to understand."