August 27, 2024

Podcast: Marriages past & present and providing for children from previous relationships

Our 'Planning for your Future' podcast series discusses, in everyday language, how planning can help you navigate your way through the ups and downs of life and how getting your affairs in place now can assist your loved ones’ future responsibilities.

In this episode, Partner, Emma Houghton, talks in detail about Wills in relation to divorce and subsequent marriages and how to ringfence estates or assets for children from previous relationships.

Your Will allows you to dictate what happens to your estate and any children, for whom you have parental responsibility, when you die. It enables you to make provision for those that you wish to benefit and preclude those that you may feel are not entitled to benefit for personal reasons.

Divorce doesn't revoke a Will but for inheritance purposes your ex-spouse will no longer be able to benefit from it unless you have stated they should. However, if you re-marry and do not prepare a new Will, your children from any previous relationships may not benefit from your estate as you would wish.

We’re right by you… through the good times, challenging times and sad times.

Please note that the information provided in this podcast does not constitute legal advice and serves as a general guide only. The law may have changed since this podcast was recorded. Listeners should seek tailored legal advice from a solicitor who will take your individual and personal circumstances in consideration.

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